Hosting an Intern

Expressions of interest for hosts are now open

An internship is a vital link between university education and employment. ANIP is an extended workplace-based program that allows students to develop their research and professional skills.

Benefits for employers include establishing relationships with ANU, increased awareness of new and innovative ideas, gaining assistance for projects and building connections with potential employees.

ANIP interns are fully insured by the university for general and product liability, professional indemnity and personal accident insurance.

The focus of the ANIP internship is a research report produced by the student on a topic that is identified by the host and agreed by the intern and the ANIP Director. Interns may participate in a range of workplace activities and will attend workshops on campus during the placement to assist with research methods, communication skills and policy analysis.

Once the research proposal has been finalised, the role of the workplace supervisor is to provide ongoing advice and counsel whilst ANU academics supervise the research content and course assessment of the project. Assistance by the workplace supervisor could include suggestions about references/source materials or about individuals to consult/interview, or counsel about evaluation of information gathered.

Interns are required to complete either 10, 20 or 40 days of work placement as part of their course, with scheduling based on agreement between the host and the student. Working hours are typically 6 or 7 hours per day due to student workload regulations.

For further information or to discuss hosting an intern, please contact us: or 02 6125 8540.