Frequently Asked Questions

1. Eligibility

What is ANIP?

ANIP is a one-semester research-based internship for academic credit. It is usually a 10-week placement within which students must complete their required amount of days (this depends on which ANIP course they choose).

Who is eligible?

  • Any enrolled university student who has completed 2nd year (96 units).
  • Undergraduate and postgraduate students.
  • Students who are studying any subject.
  • Students who are achieving a distinction average in the subject that is relevant to their possible placement.
  • Students from any university in Australia.

Can I apply to ANIP if I am not an ANU student?

Students from any Australian university are eligible to apply to ANIP to undertake a Commonwealth Parliamentary Internship. There are two steps in the application process for non-ANU domestic students, also called cross-institutional students. As well as applying to ANIP through the ANIP online application form, cross-institutional students must also apply to ANU through the ANU Admissions Office. You and your home university will need to complete an ANU Cross-Institutional Studies Application Form which can be found here Your home university will have a form you will need to complete as well, so we recommend bringing both along to your Student Office at the same time.

As a cross-institutional student, your fees for undertaking the ANIP course will be determined by your home institution.

Is ANIP just for political science students?

No. ANIP is for all students from all disciplines who wish to research a topic with a public policy focus.

I am an international student. Am I eligible to apply to ANIP?

Yes. As well as applying to ANIP through the ANIP online application form, you must also apply to ANU through the ANU Admissions Office. Please refer to the ANU admissions policy and the English language admissions requirements for more information.

Please note that some host institutions have policies that do not permit them to take non-Australian citizens, but ANIP will endeavour to seek a suitable placement for all successful applicants. 

2. Entry Requirements

Is entry to ANIP based on GPA?

GPA will be considered but is not the only deciding factor. Entry to the program is based on the strength of the application overall  including academic merit, research experience and placement availability.

I am a postgraduate student. Do I have to complete two years of my postgraduate program before I can apply?

No. As long as you have completed two years of undergraduate level study you are eligible to apply.

Can I apply to ANIP even though I have not completed 96 units?

If you expect to successfully complete 96 undergraduate units by the time your ANIP placement starts, you are eligible to apply in the preceding semester.

3. Application Process

Can I withdraw my application?

Once your details have been forwarded to a potential host you are being considered as a candidate, therefore it is not ideal to withdraw at that stage. This is usually done approximately two weeks from receipt of application, so essentially there is a two-week cooling off period should you wish to withdraw. Placements cannot be deferred to another semester.

Can I do ANIP more than once?

No. The program is exactly the same each semester so it would be a duplication of a course.

When will I have a decision on my application for Semester 2, 2024?

Applications for Semester 2, 2024 close on 30 April 2024. We will be contacting candidates to provide them with a decision on their application by the end of June 2024.

4. Course Structure

Will ANIP count towards my program?

Please consult your College/Faculty Student Office or Program Convenor to obtain approval for ANIP to count towards your degree program. Please also confirm with your School Executive Officer that ANIP fits within your degree.

If I am accepted into ANIP can I choose the research topic for my report?

The general research topic you indicate in your application will be provided to the relevant host/s during the process of securing a placement. You will then need to meet with the potential host to discuss and agree upon the final topic.

What kind of assessment is involved?

Assessment is made up of a research proposal, a poster, an oral presentation of the poster, and a research report of 4,000 to 20,000 words depending on the ANIP course chosen, and whether you are undergraduate or postgraduate. See the ANU Programs and Courses website for details.

Do I have to pay fees for ANIP?

Yes. Course fees apply as for any other ANU course. See the ANU Programs and Courses website for details. If you do ANIP as a cross-institutional student, your fees for undertaking the ANIP course will be determined by your home institution.

When will I be able to see a Course Outline?

Once you have been accepted into ANIP and offered a placement, a Course Outline will be sent to you.

The Course Outline will be placed onto Wattle just before the start of semester.

Can I switch between ANIP courses after I have applied?

No. Hosts are approached based on the details in the application you have submitted. Changing preferences at that stage is not an option.

Do I have to attend classes as well as days in my placement?

Instead of regular classes, you will have to attend a two-day compulsory orientation session during O-Week.

There is also a compulsory Parliamentary Orientation for all interns placed in Parliament. Parliamentary Orientation usually goes for half a day and dates vary each semester.

There is a week one-third of the way through the course where students will be given a time slot to give their oral poster presentations. Students are asked to attend two of their peers’ presentations as well.

5. Our Hosts

Where do ANIP interns go?

  • Commonwealth Parliament
  • ACT Legislative Assembly
  • Embassies and High Commissions
  • Government Departments
  • Non-Government Organisations (NGO’s) and Think Tanks
  • Research Centres
  • Peak Industry Bodies

Can I organise my own internship?

No. ANIP coordinates internships with many organisations throughout the selection process, therefore does not encourage students to organise their own internships so as not to create confusion with the processes already underway.

Can I choose where I am placed for an internship?

You can certainly request a preference for a certain placement but we cannot guarantee that specific placements will be available, as hosts vary each semester.

6. Your Placement

Are placements strictly certain days per week, and how do they work around Parliamentary Sittings?

Whilst you are required to complete a certain amount of days at your placement, these are at the discretion of the host working with you on your availability. You may have several days per week in the placement in an intensive style. You may start in your placement just before semester begins, or continue until just after semester ends, subject to agreement of the host and the ANIP convenor. Many Members of Parliament travel interstate on non-sitting weeks but they may make arrangements for you to attend the placement with other staff whilst they are not there.

Can I complete ANIP over the summer?

Generally ANIP placements are only offered during semesters 1 and 2. Occasionally international internships are available over the summer and these will be advertised on the ANIP website and on ANU Career Hub.

Am I covered by insurance during my placement?

Yes. ANIP arranges an insurance cover form with the ANU Insurance Office and a copy is sent to the host for their information.

Are ANIP Interns paid?

No. ANIP is a course for academic credit and students do not receive payment for their involvement.

What rules apply to me when I am at my placement?

As a representative of ANU, you are expected to behave professionally and in accordance with ANU conduct policies.

Each host will have its own Code of Conduct and associated Values and Behaviours policies which you are encouraged to review prior to commencing your placement.

Is there a dress code I should follow when I visit my potential host?

It is advised that you dress smartly in business attire when you are meeting your potential host, and throughout your placement. 

What paperwork do I have to sign, and do I have to enter into a formal agreement with my host?

At the start of semester, an ANIP Course Guide will be uploaded on the ANU Wattle site, which includes a schedule of the course and an outline of the objectives of the course. You will also be asked to sign a ‘Student Placement Agreement' (to protect the confidentiality of the student and the host). There is no agreement between you and the host, but there is an agreement between ANIP and the host. This is coordinated directly by ANIP with the host.